Natalia's Diary

"A day like every others"

I'm not used to write those kind of things, but Mango told me to try, saying this could help me relax.So anyway, here we go,My name is Natalia Carn, I'm the second captain of the royal guard and the daughter of the previous captain.I always did everything by myself, this way, I knew what I deserve and what I don't...
even if I barely died last time I tried to solve my problems all by myself.
I'm glad that Mango came in time to save me, but I would like him to stop facing the danger like this, it's not that I don't trust him, he's way stronger than what I was thinking at first, if only I knew sooner maybe... maybe things would have been different, for both of us.I always used to hate weaknesses, such a burden in everyone life, but no one is trying to discard them, I tend to mistake kindness and love
to weakness sometime as well, that made me close my heart to peoples, even my own dad...
Some where like me as well, and all changed their mind when this stupid brat came in.
I still remember how he was when he was a kid, I hated him, but now that I think about it... no I don't have to think about it now !I got lost in my memory, let's go back to what I was meant to do !My day went pretty well, I was training the guards as I usually do, but they don't seems to be really motivated...
They couldn't take my hits, guess I'll have to ask someone else for advice.
After the training session, I was simply patrolling into town to check on the civilian, when a lightning strike came down some street further.
I rushed to see what happent, this is happening a lot so I'm not that surprised, but we never know, one day, lightning will not come to hurt Mango, but to kill us all.
When I came in, I saw Mango, fist raised in the sky, smiling at the citizens, as always, no one got hurt, everything was good, I feel stupid to be worried all the time, especially when he's doing fine whatever he do, but since he's never worrying about anything, I have to, for the sake of everyone, I don't mind being the negative one.When he noticed me, He came and try to pat my head as he always do now that this dummy is taller than me, but the electricity that was still running across his body and armor made my hair all spiky !
The children couldn't help but laugh at me, but... this was really fun, I wouldn't trade any of those moment even for the whole world.
Anyway, writing this was a good experience, I didn't know I could laugh at my own memory, this was a good idea, But I won't tell him or he may mock me again.

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